Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We are a stock photography agency based out of Kolkata, India. India Stock Photo website has been formed in the year 2019. However our assets have catered to clients and customers since 2015 through various platforms. We at India Stock Photo have been producing our own content for over 6 years.
India Stock Photo website has been created for clients looking for authentic Indian imagery free from any copyright restrictions.
Our curated collection of stock images comprise of high resolution images of Indian architecture, historical monuments, landscapes and travel destinations, people and lifestyle, healthcare, city architecture, rural india, festival and rituals and much more. We deal in exclusive Indian imagery fully owned and created by India Stock Photo.

Yes. India Stock Photo deals exclusively in authentic Indian imagery. Our image library is segregated into categories or collections for ease of navigation. Explore our curated image categories for your upcoming projects. We did all the work so you can relax and browse. All images are completely owned and created by India Stock Photo.

Try using short words and phrases in the search bar instead of long sentences. For best results try for a single or dual word search. If still images don’t display its most likely the image you are looking for is not in our collection. We at India Stock Photo thrive to bring you fresh content every month, with curated sets hand-picked from the very best authentic Indian stock photos.

The high resolution images downloaded after purchase are free of watermarks. However all image thumbnails displayed on the frontend of the website are watermarked due to copyright restrictions.

Images are available for download in two resolutions.

  • Full sized original images have resolutions of 240-300 pixels/inch suitable for all usage types.
  • Medium sized images have a resolution of 72 pixels/inch and suitable for web use only.

In case you have any query with the resolution of an image downloaded you may contact us here and we will be happy to help you.

You can choose your selected image from 2 available dimensions depending on your requirement.

Large Image : Where you get to download the full resolution image with minimum width in excess of 5000 pixels with resolution 240 pixels/inch or more. This dimension is suitable for all uses digital or prints.
Medium Image: Where you download the image at 50% resolution with lossless compression having a maximum width of 1920 pixels and resolution 72 pixels/inch. Suitable for web use only.

Some of our images are marked for “Editorial Use Only”. Editorial images cannot be used to advertise or promote a product or service. Editorial images can be only used for non-commercial purpose like news articles, blog articles, commentary or opinion in newspaper or magazine etc.

No credit is required for images suitable for commercial use. However credit is required only when using images marked as Editorial Use Only. The copyright notice must contain the following: “[Image Credit : India Stock Photo]”

We currently do not have any subscription plans. You can purchase a single or multiple images and avail a minumum discount of 15% on cart value at checkout. After successful purchase a download link would be sent to your registered mail. You may also access your downloads from “My Account” section.

Royalty free images refers to a copyright license which gives the user a one-time right to use the image without many restrictions. RF images offers unlimited use to the users. You can use an RF image in any application and in as many different projects as you like. The cost of RF content depends on image size and license purchased. Refer to the License Agreement

You may purchase a single image or multiple images and avail a minimum discount of 15% on cart value at checkout. Discount percentage is automatically applied on your cart amount during checkout. After successful purchase a download link would be sent to your registered mail. You may also access your downloads from “My Account” section in the menu.

India Stock Photo accepts the following mode of payments:

  • Debit/Credit Cards (Visa, Master, American Express, etc.)
  • PayPal
  • Stripe Payment Gateway

Currently we accept checkout in Indian Rupee (INR) and US dollar only. Your checkout currency will be automatically assigned based on geolocation.

Yes, India Stock Photo is safe. The images uploaded meet our legal, quality, and aesthetics standards, all covered by a proper review mechanism. All of our website pages are secured and you can safely pay and download the desired images from India Stock Photo.

All images on the website are created and owned by India Stock Photo and copyright protected. The copyright of an image remains with India Stock Photo even after you purchase a license of usage for that image. You pay for the right to use the image file as per clauses mentioned in our License Agreement. Under no circumstance you can claim to be the creator or owner of the image purchased. The files on India Stock Photo are not copyright-free, but are Royalty-Free, which means you pay once and use them as many times without paying an additional fee for each use.

Yes. If you do not have an account with India Stock Photo you will be prompted to register for an account during checkout. Your account details will be mailed to you. After purchase you can access your account from the My Accounts page where you can download your files, access your invoice and edit your account.
Returning customers can login to their existing account.

You can write to us on or reach us through the Contact Us page

At present we do not accept photographs from Contributors. However we do have a plan to open a contributor section in the near future.