Equidistant from Jaisalmer and Lodhruva, Bada Bagh (big garden) in the Indian state of Rajasthan, features a series of royal cenotaphs or chhatris of Jaisalmer Maharajas, including that of Jai Singh II (Maharaja Sawai Jai Sing). The first cenotaph in the region was built for Jai Singh II by his son, Lunkaran, in the 16th century. A descendant of Maharawal Jaisal Singh, the founder of Jaisalmer State, Jai Singh II (1688–1743), commissioned a dam to create a water tank during his reign in the early 18th century. His efforts transformed the barren desert into greenery around this area. To honor him, his son set up a memorial in the form of cenotaphs near the dam and created a recreational park around it. All the cenotaphs here have a beautifully carved ceiling and elegant equestrian statues of rulers. High Resolution stock image captures medieval royal cenotaphs or chhatris erected on sandy Jaisalmer ground. Checkout and download Royalty free stock photos of Rajasthan monuments, relics and other historical evidences to augment your visual story-telling.
Bada Bagh Chattris ancient architecture ruins at Jaisalmer Rajasthan
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